Isn’t an annoying situation, while your are reading a web page or playing a flash game and the page refreshes automatically? It’s really irritating to start the page again. This situation arises as some sites update their content frequently. In order to provide users the most updated content, the webmaster add the auto-refresh function. However, you can disable the auto-refresh function in your browser. In this article I have mentioned some easy methods to disable auto-refresh function in Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Disable Auto Refresh in Firefox
In Firefox, go to Preferences -> Advanced. check the box “Warn me when the web sites try to redirect or reload the page”, in the General tab.
Disable Auto Refresh in Internet Explorer
In Internet Explorer 7 and 8, go to “Tools -> Internet Options -> Security“, then click on the Custom Level button. Scrolldown the list and you will see the entry “Allow META REFRESH”. Select “Disable”.
So these are the simple steps that you can implement to disable the auto-refresh function in Firefox and Internet Explorer. Try out these methods on your browser and let us know how it works for you. Till then stay tuned with us and keep buzzing your comments.
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