Many times it happens, some programs don’t respond or it gets hung and when clicking on close button it doesn’t work. Even the task manager fails or takes too much of time. But here is a small trick through which you can auto kill the programs which gets hung or goes into status of “Not Responding”. Follow the guidelines from bellow to terminate Not Responding programs automatically.
Terminate Not Responding Programs Automatically in Windows XP
- Click Start button and Run
- Type “Regedit” (without quote)
- Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
- And here you will find a string called as “Auto End Task”
- Double click on it and set value to 1 (this means hung program will be killed instantaneously)
- Well, you can also set time for it too, Now find a string called as “WaitToKillAppTimeout“
- And change the value as you prefer by double clicking on it (value in milliseconds)
- Now exit from the Registry file and restart your System
Well, that is it. You have simply done it. Now when a program get hung or goes into status of Not Responding, it will terminate automatically.
NOTE: Please backup your registry first before you follow the procedure
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