Google Webmaster Provides a complete Traffic Report

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Now the Google Webmaster new version provides more complete traffic reports. Not only you can search  keywords query incoming to your website, but also see search result position of your website or blog on Google by using the keyword and amount of CTR for each position that your site’s pages appeared at in the search results associated with that query.
Google Webmaster
Now lets see what’s new in Google Webmaster.
1. View top search query for specific period:
Google Webmaster Chart
Before Google webmaster provided top search query for the current week and month, and last month. Now it allows you to see the data top search query for your website in specific time using date range selector. It also provides you a chart for that keyword, and this feature is similar to Google Analytics.
2. View Position You Web in Search Result
Google Webmaster Search Position
View position your website in Google search result and you can click through for that keyword. By this you can optimize your website for the keywords. You can see a list of your site’s pages that were linked to from the search results for the search query.
3. More than 100 queries
Google Webmaster Pagination
Now if your website have more than 100 queries, you’ll see new pagination buttons at the right-bottom of the Top Search Queries table. Before Google webmaster only provided 100 top search queries.
Google Webmaster tools helps you to:
  • Check and set the crawl rate, and view statistics about how Googlebot accesses a particular site.
  • List internal and external pages that link to the site.
  • View statistics about how Google indexes the site, and if it found any errors while doing it.
  • Generate and check a robots.txt file.
  • See what keyword searches on Google led to the site being listed in the SERPs, and the click through rates of such listings.
  • Set a preferred domain (e.g. prefer over or vice versa), which determines how the site URL is displayed in SERPs.
  • Submit and check a sitemap.
Google Webmaster is a no-charge web service by Google for webmasters that allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites.