Get Paid to Write Reviews on Your Blog – Link From Blog

Monday, March 15, 2010

If you are still earning money from your blog using the old advertising methods, I would suggest you to try the new opportunities. There are several ways to make money from blogging such as affiliate schemes, referrals, paid reviews etc. Paid review posts are always fruitful since you do post about a certain advertiser’s product on your blog and get some $$$ in return from the advertiser. On the other hand, you still earn money from those posts using your regular ad networks.
LinkFromBlog is a paid reviews corner where bloggers can take their income source to the next level. There are several advertisers waiting to advertise their products and you can simply add some extra revenue to your monthly income by posting few paidblog reviews. The most important thing is that LinkFromBlog does not charge any commissions. Great, huh!
Paid reviews
Unlike other paid review sitesLinkFromBlog allows bloggers to communicate with advertisers directly and there is no reviews limit. I joined them last day, so I am yet to gather much idea about them, however, I will write an another review post on LinkFromBlog as soon as I see some results.

(From: Solid Blogger)