Remove Empty Folders Or Junk Directories From Your Computer

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Do you have a whole bunch of empty folders and “no file directories” on your computer which you want to get rid off ? There can be situations when your computer might have abundant folders containing no files and you want an easy and fast way to delete all empty folders from your computer’s hard drive.
There are command line tricks to delete empty folders from a Windows partition or remove empty subfolders from a specific parent folder. But if you are no geek and need a one click solution to remove all empty folders from your computer, try RED
RED (stands for Remove empty directories) is a simple yet useful freeware for Windows which scans your entire computer for empty folders and lets you delete all of them with one click. You can specify a parent directory, a hard disk partition, an external hard drive and the program can run a quick check to find  and filter the folders with the following attributes:
  • Filter hidden folders from a specific parent folder, disk partition or parent folder.
  • Filter folders that contain no files
  • Filter folders  that are locked
  • Filter folders that contain autorun files like *.inf, thumbs.db and other junk files.
Running a thorough scan and removing the empty folders from Windows7 is easily achieved through the “Delete Folders” button. Nice !
So the next time your computer is hit by a virus, trojan and there are a thousand empty folders lying randomly over your hard drive, spare yourself from deleting each and every folder manually and use this tool. Handy !
RED is a free download, works with Windows Xp, Windows Vista and Windows 7.