Some programs consume a huge amount of system memory (e.g Firefox, or computer games) and when an application stops to respond, you open the Windows task manager and try to figure out which program is consuming the largest resource from the system. Then you right click the process and choose “Kill process” to free up system memory and check whether the non responding application gets some life.
If your system is running on low memory and freezes frequently, just because some of the programs are not responding, here is a batch file trick which will help. This Batch file will allow you to kill multiple Windows processes in one go .
1. Open notepad and paste the following lines :
taskkill /im program1.exe
taskkill /im program2.exe
Replace program1.exe and program 2.exe with the actual name of the process from Windows task manager. You can add more process names in a new line, as shown below:
2. Save the file as anyname.bat, choose “All files” in the save as type dropdown.
3. All done, clicking the batch file will kill all the specified tasks at once.
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