Free Online Photo Retouching with PicTreat

Sunday, September 27, 2009

PicTreat is a online photo retouching website that adds effects, retouches your picture, clears blur areas and makes your photo look nice. PicTreat is a free web service that’s having a powerful automatic photo retouching tool to enhance the look of your photo with a handful of options such as adjusting skin flaws, red-eye removal, auto-correction of colors and auto face detection technology

to make your skin and face look smooth and shiny.

All you have to do is simply upload your photo on to PicTreat’s server

and it will automatically start retouching your photo. It also shows a preview button from where you can see the original photo and retouched photo like the below screenshot :

photo retouch

You can add effects without getting registered with them and can continue editing the image online until you find it up to your expectations. Once you are done, you can save the image by downloading the edited image on to your computer.

(From: Solid Blogger)